Week 1- Queen Amanireinas of Kush and Diyha al-Kahina
Week 2 - The Kahina/ Makeda Queen of Sheeba/ Lalla Fatma N'Soumer
Week 3- Queen Nzingha/ Kimpa Vita/ Angelique
Week 4- Nanny of the Maroons/ Cécile Fatiman/ Carlota
Week 5- Maria Stewart/Harriet Tubman
Week 6- Queen Ranavalona/ Empress Taytu
Week 7- Yaa Asantewaa/ Nehanda/Meketilili
Week 8- Black Women's Club Movement/ Ogu Umunwanyi Igbo Women's War
Week 9- Amy Ashwood Garvey/ Amy Jacques Garvey
Week 10- Claudia Jones/Ella Baker
Week 11- Women in the Black Power and Independence Movements
Sheroes Pre-Course Assessment
Part 1 from Black-Women-in-Antiquity-Ivan-Van-Sertima-2
Part 2 from Black-Women-in-Antiquity-Ivan-Van-Sertima-3
End Matter from Pages from Black-Women-in-Antiquity-Ivan-Van-Sertima-3
African Women and Pan Africanism
UNESCO Women in Africa History Learning Tool
Link to Recording of Session 1-October 10, 2020
Link to the recording of Session 1 (October 2, 2021)
Link to Recording Session 1- October 8, 2022
Links to Sudanese Women's Stories
Fundamental Reading- Ancient_Egyptian_Queens_Merneith
Fundamental Reading- Merneith - Oxford Reference
Fundamental Reading- Murphy on Cushite Queens
Fundamental Reading- Hilliard on Hatshepsut
Fundamental Reading- Lohwasser on Queenship in Kush
Week 1 Discussion
Optional Advanced Reading- Davies on Hatshepsut and Thutmoses
Optional Advanced Reading- Alameen on Queenship in Egypt 2018
Creasman on Hatshepsut and Punt 2014
Ibrahim on the SWU
Sudanese women’s movement, achievements and challenges
The Woman Question in the Thinking of an African Radical
Link to Recording of Session 2-October 17, 2020
Link to Recording of Session 2- October 9, 2021
Link to Recording of Session 2- October 22, 2022
Link to Recording of Session 2- October 14, 2023
Link to Recording of Introduction to Session 2- October 14, 2023
Links to Articles on Algeria
Fundamental Reading- Oxford AASC_ Kahina
Fundamental Readings- Dahia_al-Kahina
Fundamental Reading- The Origins of Amazigh Women’s Power in North Africa
Fundamental Reading- The Problem of Gudit
Tin Hinan - Oxford Reference
Fundamental Reading- Monges on Sheba
Fundamental Reading- Women in the Quran Chapter 6
Week 2 Discussion
Optional Advanced Reading- Belcher on Sheba
Optional Advanced Reading- How The Queen of Sheba Became a Queen Notes
Optional Advanced Reading- A Sixth Century Kebra Nagast
Optional Advanced Reading- WEITZMAN on Sheba
Optional Advanced Reading- Beeston on Sabean Origins
Andersen 2000 on Godit
Hear me roar_ The women behind Algeria's revolution of smiles - New African Magazine
Women in Pre Colonial Algeria
Link to Recording of Session 3- October 24, 2020
Link to Recording of Session 3- October 29, 2022
Link to Recording of Session 3- October 21, 2023
Fundamental Reading- queen nzinga- she never stopped fighting
Fundamental Reading- Njinga Mbandi - Oxford Reference
Fundamental Reading- Thornton on Nzinga
Fundamental Listening- Conversation with Afua Cooper on Angelique
Fundamental Reading- Rouillard Complicit Victims
Optional Advanced Reading- Miller on Nzinga
Week 3 Discussion
Did Kongolese Catholicism Lead to Slave Revolutions_ _ JSTOR Daily
Remembering Mary, Shaping Revolt- Reconsidering the Stono Rebellion
Useful Websites
On Tereza de Benguela
Motherhood as Activism in the Angolan People's War, 1961-1975
Link to Recording of Session 4-October 31, 2020
Link to Recording of Session 4- October 30, 2021
Link to Recording of Session 4- November 5, 2022
Link to Recording of Session 4- October 28, 2023
A Historical Study of Women in Jamaica, 1655- 1844
Fundamental Reading- Sharpe on Nanny
Fundamental Reading- The Haiti of Cecile Fatiman
Fundamental Reading- Article on Nanny
Fundamental Reading- Oxford AASC_ Fatiman, Cécile URL_
Fundamental Reading- Lundy on Fatiman
Week 4 Discussion
Optional Advanced Reading- Agorsah on Nanny
Optional Advanced Reading- Race and Revolution at Bwa Kayiman
Optional Advanced Reading- GEGGUS on Bois Caman
Optional Advanced Reading- Akan Religious Beliefs 1
Optional Advanced Reading- Akan Religious Beliefs 2
Optional Advanced Reading- Akan Religious Beliefs 3
Optional Advanced Reading- Akan Religious Beliefs 4
Optional Advanced Reading- Akan Rebellion in New York
Avenging Carlota in Africa Angola and the memory of Cuban slavery
What Revolution Looks Like Cuba
Maroons and castas in Colombia’s Caribbean regions
Territorial Intimacy as a Freedom Strategy: The Case of María de Los Santos and Her Bonga
Sheroes Lectures Fall 2019
Link to Recording of Session 5/6 (Haiti, Tubman, and Yaa Asantewaa)- November 4 and 11, 2023
Link to Recording of Session 5- November 7th 2020
Link to Recording of Session 5- November 6th 2021
Link to the Recording of Session 5- November 12, 2022
Fundamental Reading- Ghana Welcomes Tubman Family Members _ NPR
Fundamental Reading- Chism on Tubman as Spy
Fundamental Reading- Maria Stewart and Sympathetic Violence
Fundamental Reading- Smith Tucker 2013
Fundamental Reading- Maria Stewart's Address Delivered at the African Masonic Hall, 1833
Optional Advanced Reading- Maria Stewart Lecture 1832
Optional Advanced Reading- General Tubman
Optional Advanced Reading- CooperValerieC_2011_Chapter4_WordLikeFireMariaStew
Link to Recording of Session 6- November 18, 2023
Link to the Recording of Session 6- November 19, 2022
Link to Recording of Session 6- November 14, 2020
Fundamental Reading- Ranavalona I, Queen - Oxford Reference
Fundamental Reading- Ranavalona and Queen Victoria
Fundamental Reading- Berg on Ranavalona
Fun & Optional Advanced Reading- Tatyu UNESCO (Comic)
Fundamental Reading- Ekechi on Taytu
Fundamental Reading- The Lessons and Legacy of Adwa- Forging Our Future in Struggle
Fundamental Reading- Taytu Betul - Oxford Reference
Fundamental Reading- Women and Warfare in Ethiopia p. 16-44
Informative Website on Itege Taytu
Link to Recording of Session 7- November 20, 2021
Link to the Recording of Session 7- November 21, 2020
Fundamental Reading- Mekatilili - Oxford Reference
Fundamental Reading- Kuba Women_Nationalists_in_Nineteen
Fundamental Reading- Aidoo on Asantewaa
Fundamental Reading- On Nehanda and her trial
Fundamental Reading- Mazama on Nehanda
Optional Advanced Reading- Mekatilili National Hero
Optional Advanced Reading- McCaskie on Asantwaa
Optional Advanced Reading- CharumbiraRuram_2015_1FarFromTheTreeApprop_ImaginingANationHisto
Optional Advanced Reading- Mekatilili_ local heroine
The Role of Nana Yaa Asantewaa in the 1900 Asante War of Resistance
Yaa Asantewaa in the Yaa Asantewaa War of 1900
When Yaa Asantewaa Meets Deborah
Interesting Short Animated Website and Comic on Mekatilili
Link to the Recording of Session 8- November 28, 2020 (Covers information found in Weeks 10 and 11)
Fundamental Reading- Historical Context of Black Women's Club Movement
Fundamental Reading- Women's War of 1929
Optional Advanced Reading- Igbo Women and Political Participation in Nigeria
Optional Advanced Reading- Shaving of a woman s head Isinmo and the Igbo women s war on forced marriages in Southern Nigeria 1900 1936
Shaw on Black Club Women
Recording of Session on Amy Ashwood Garvey and Amy Jacques Garvey (December 12, 2020)
Fundamental Reading- Oxford AASC_ Garvey, Amy Ashwood URL_
Fundamental Reading- Tony Martin on Amy Ashwood
Fundamental Reading- Taylor on AJG
Fundamental Reading- Phillips on AJ Garvey
Optional Advanced Reading- WOMEN IN THE GARVEY MOVEMENT
Optional Advanced Reading (Book)- The Veiled Garvey by Tony Martin
Optional Advanced Reading- Escape_from_New_York_The_New_Negro_Renaissance_bey..._----_(3._An_International_African_Opinion_Amy_Ashwood_Garvey_and_C._L._R._Ja...)
Fundamental Reading- Jones 2013 on Claudia Jones
Fundamental Reading- Howard on Jones 2013
Fundamental Reading- North_Carolina_Women_Their_Lives_and_Times_----_(Ella_Josephine_Baker_“I_Never_Worked_for_an_Organization_but_for_a_Cau...)
Fundamental Reading- Jones from Left of Marx Chapter 1
Fundamental Reading- Jones from Left of Marx Chapter 5
Optional Advanced Reading- Sisters_In_the_Struggle_African-American_Women_In_..._----_(Sisters_in_the_Struggle)
Link to Recording of this Session- (December 5, 2020)
Link to Recording of this Session- (December 10, 2022)
Fundamental Viewing- Anne Cools on Sir George Williams Rebellion
Fundamental Reading- Assata Shakur The continuity of struggle
Fundamental Reading- Assata To My People
Fundamental Reading- Assata
Fundamental Reading- Women in the Panthers
Fundamental Reading- Black Power Montreal
Fundamental Reading- Building a revolutionary constituency Mozambican refugees and the development of the FRELIMO proto state 1964 1968
Fundamental Reading- Girls_with_guns_Narrating_the
Optional but Highly Recommended Reading- Assata an Autobiography
Optional Advanced Reaading- Alameen-Shavers2017_Article_AnInterviewWithNormaMtume
Optional Advanced Reading- The black liberation army and the radical legacy of the black panther party